The Time Is Now

The Beginning


I hope this email finds you well. My name is Tommy and I decided to make drastic changes to my lifestyle to improve my current situation and become the person I always envisioned I would be.

Each email in this series will contain actionable items that you can follow step by step as a simple guide on your journey to self-improvement.

This newsletter will read like a blog at times, but I feel it’s the right platform to share the information with everyone in hopes you all will benefit from the information and advice I provide.

Why Should I Read This?

If you are feeling stuck in life and are dealing with issues related to relationships, addiction, money problems, guilt, shame, anxiety, stuck in the rat race, hopelessness, etc., I truly believe I can help you learn from my mistakes and take advantage of the tips I’ll be providing along the way to turn things around.

It’s never too late to either get on track or back on track, depending on where you are in life.

However, the earlier you follow along and start to implement the strategies I’ll be providing, the faster things will improve for you.

Now, this isn’t a get-rich-quick type newsletter, all of this will take hard work and dedication, which can seem impossible at first. But when you soak in and embrace these lifestyle changes by dedicating yourself to self-improvement, you will see that it’s not as hard as you think and you have a ton of support behind you.

Who is Tommy?

I’ll be brief, but I think it’s important to get a bit of background insight into who I am. We probably have a lot in common.

I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, USA. My family is very small and we did not have much money. Both of my parents worked full-time blue-collar jobs and always seemed to make things work, but the neighborhood we grew up in was scary at times and I never had the finer things in life.

I was always a dreamer who wanted more, but never wanted to work for it. Visions of massive wealth and power danced through my head, but at the end of the day I would go to bed living the same sad life I’d always known.

After I finished high school, I held multiple dead-end jobs that I hated with every fiber of my being.

I numbed myself daily with drugs and alcohol just to maintain my sanity.

The relationships I had with friends and girlfriends were shallow and empty for the most part and we never shared the same life goals.

One day, in my early 30s, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. That is when everything changed….

I’m now in my mid-40s, completely sober, married to a fantastic wife, raised successful children, in solid physical shape, have an incredible career, have a 2nd “side” gig that is starting to pay, I’m in good health, and I’m very very close to being in the financial position I always dreamed of, a millionaire.

How did I do it?

Make The Choice

The key to all of this is your attitude and mindset. It’s a very simple concept, but it all starts with you and your willingness to dedicate yourself to positive change.

I’m going to give you some actionable items on how to accomplish this, step by step:

  • You have to stop immediately, I mean RIGHT NOW while you are reading this, thinking that you will change tomorrow or “when the time is right”. No matter if you are sad, tired, scared, drunk, or high. The Time Is Now.

  • Stop what you are doing, if you are at work or school take a quick break when you can and it’s allowed.

  • Grab something to write with or pull up a Word document, notepad, whatever it is.

  • Write down exactly what you want to change about yourself, how it will help improve your life, and why you want to make these changes. Don’t worry about how you are going to accomplish it yet. We will get to that soon.

  • Now write down your vision of yourself in the future. Does that mean you are filthy rich? Does that mean you are just living super comfortably in the woods alone? Married with 10 kids? Kicking back on the beach with a cold drink? Whatever it may be, write down your perfect future self and what that looks and feels like.

  • Lastly, walk into the nearest bathroom or room with a mirror look yourself dead in the eyes, and say it no less than 10 times, I LOVE YOU (YOUR NAME). It’s going to feel weird, I cried before I got to number 10 because I didn’t love myself. You need to learn to love yourself to become the best version of you.

  • Now get some rest, you did great! Relax your mind the rest of the day/night and reflect on your accomplishments today. We will pick up again soon with the next email.

Until Next Time…

My hope is that you enjoyed this content and will return and read my next email. This is the first of many, and our journey together has just begun.

I have so much more to share and will always provide you with direct, actionable tips that helped me and will help you find the joy in life that you have been seeking.

Until we meet again. See the picture of the Phoenix below representing our journey rising from the ashes to become something spectacular.



Photo Credit: Adobe Firefly, I am a writer, not a graphic artist


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